After a long break, - This is my Third Penetration testing lab, and SQLi, Post. Well today's I'll teach you how can you create a SQL Injection Practicing (Penetration Testing) lab in your System. So everyone can learn and Enjoy SQLi Hacking Database without doing any types of Crimes and Affecting Systems.
1. SQL Injection Penetration Testing Lab ?
Yesss..! you might know that SQL Injection is one of the most common method to Hack website and database Exploitation, and it is one of the most common Vulnerabilities in Web Application, Unfortunately there is always a Vulnerability that can Exploit the DB but we don't know how to Exploit it and Research on it, So here I found one Web app that can help you to learn & Practice SQL Injection Techniques.
1. SQL Injection Penetration Testing Lab ?
Yesss..! you might know that SQL Injection is one of the most common method to Hack website and database Exploitation, and it is one of the most common Vulnerabilities in Web Application, Unfortunately there is always a Vulnerability that can Exploit the DB but we don't know how to Exploit it and Research on it, So here I found one Web app that can help you to learn & Practice SQL Injection Techniques.
2. Requirements :
3. Create SQL Pen-testing Lab
- Download XAMPP Apache Server & Install it.
- Download SQLol Pentest Lab Files.
- After, Downloading & Installing XAMPP Server.
- Now, Extract SQLol Pentest Lab files on Desktop & you'll get one folder
- Copy that folder into this location : C:\xampp\htdocs.
- Click on Start Button & Search for XAMPP Control Panel and Hit Enter.
- Now, Click on MySQL [Start] & Same with Apache [Start]Click to Enlarge it
- Now Open your Browser and type hit Enter and Get Started.
- And After all you're done, Just Click on Challenges and Practice, SQLi
- Get started, It will take some hours to understand it completely.
- Challenges, SQL Injection techniques, How it works and all.
4. Tips :
- If you don't know how to Install XAMPP Server Click Here.
- You can also use localhost instead of
- I'll always recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox for Pen-testing
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And how do I hack php sites too,please email me or drop it here if u know how to do it please
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